Just some tibets of information from the HingeFire Stock Screener November Newsletter. The stock screening tool can be found at http://www.hingefire.com A series of articles about how to screen for winning stocks will be posted over the upcoming weeks in the blog.
Release 1.2 is now Available
See the release notes at http://www.hingefire.com/release-note.html
Win an iPod
One of the benefits of being a HingeFire user is that you get to drive the future development directions for the product. Please take the survey found at: http://www.hingefire.com/user-survey.html
The survey only takes about 20 minutes and all users who take the survey are added to a drawing for an iPod! We look forward to your feedback!
Registration Issues
A number of users have experienced issues during the registration process. Our development team is working to sort out some of the problems, and I would like to thank the HingeFire user community for their patience. Here are a few points that might help out in some situations:
1) If you lose your password, users can go to the following link to have a new temporary password emailed to them: http://www.hingefire.com/recoverpassword.aspx We are shortly going to update this link so all you will need to provide is your email address and both your user name & temporary password will be emailed to you.
2) Look in your spam filter for the temporary password email; sometimes these emails get blocked.
3) The temporary numeric password in the email has a period at the end of the line; do not cut & paste the period when entering your temporary password in the change password screen. Only the numeric characters are needed.
4) The site is still experiencing some incompatibilities with non Internet Explorer browsers. If you are using Opera, Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox, or another non-Microsoft browser; then please consider using IE6 or IE7 to complete the registration process (until we can sort out all the incompatibility issues with .ASP at our site).
Monthly Tech Tips
Windows Vista - Run as Administrator
In order to run HingeFire in the Windows Vista operating system; you have to set the program to "Run as Adminstrator". You can easily do this by selecting the HingeFire icon on your desktop, right clicking it, and then select "Run as Administrator" from the menu.
Sorting your Results
Did you know that you can quickly sort your results in the lower HingeFire executon panel. Simply click at the top of the column to sort the results in sequence, and a second time for reverse sequence. For example, clicking on the word "Symbol" at the top of the first column will sort the symbols below in alphabetical order. Clicking a second time will sort the symbols in reverse alphabetical order. The same can be done at the top of any other column; name, open, high, low, close, etc. to sort the stocks appropriately in either alphabetical or numeric order.
HingeFire Group at Yahoo
Join in the discussion about HingeFire at Yahoo Groups: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/hingefire/ This group has been created so HingeFire users can discuss the screening tool.
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